Tropical Paradise of Asia

We are pleased to invite you to our NATURE ADVENTURES ESCAPADES This way we can pursue & sustain our environment & humanitarian projects. EcoTours also adapts in the Climate Change and to give supplementary jobs in the rural area that will give them more power to care and nurture their culture, community and environment.

We Encourage environment and cultural awareness of the tourists during Corporate Social Responsibilities and Field Trips thru immersion and dynamic games and promote Pro Active Conservation by Mangrove Tree Planting, Adopt a Turtle, Reforestation, Clean Ups, buying local and environment friendly products.


Environment Studies Institute Summer Course 2011

Summer Courses 2011
Environmental Studies Institute. Miriam College

The Environmental Studies Institute (ESI) of Miriam College is a pioneer in academic offerings as well as in school-based advocacy.  As it implements the fourth thrust in the school’s motto, TRUTH, JUSTICE, PEACE and INTEGRITY OF CREATION, the ESI catalyzes the Miriam Community in spreading to the larger society what it promotes in its campus – care for the Earth.  As an active player in the Philippine environmental movement, ESI is a locus of activity and networking among those who champion sustainable development.

A 5 – day course which gives basic orientation on environmental principles and develops skills in the pedagogy of formal, non-formal (adult) and informal (public) environmental education.
Course Coordinator: Angelina P. Galang, Ph.D.
April 25 – 29,  2011; 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Course Fee: P6,000.00 (inclusive of handouts, snacks, lunch and field trip)

A 5 – day workshop which gives principles and skills in ecotourism with emphasis on the community-based approach, including best practices in the Philippines and other countries. A special feature is the eco-historical perspective.
Course Coordinator: Donna Paz T. Reyes, Ph.D.
May 23 – 27,  2011; 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Course Fee: P6,000.00 (inclusive of handouts, snacks, lunch and field trip)

The course intends to guide the budding green entrepreneur to think through his/her business. The course discusses the 7 environmental principles, entrepreneurship principles and making a business plan.
Course Coordinator: Erlie Lopez
May 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2011; 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Course Fee: P6,000.00 (inclusive of handouts, snacks, lunch and field trip)

CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT                                                                         A 3 – day workshop which gives principles and skills on Disaster Risk Management as a Climate Change Adaption, towards policy development.                                
Course Coordinator: Ma. Rosario G. Wood                                                   
May 30 – June 1, 2011; 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.                                          
Course fee: P3,500.00 (inclusive of handouts, snacks and lunch)

Interested parties for the ESI Summer Courses 2010 may call Tessa Oilva, Eric Buado or Kit Soliman at 920-5093 / 580-5400 loc. 3560 or you may fill-up the application form below and fax to 920-5093 or email at

-------------------------------------------------REPLY SLIP------------------------------------------------------
Yes, I will attend the course on: ______________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Office/Organization: _______________________________________________________
Office Number: ___________________________________________________________
Mobile Number: ___________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________
NOTE: Limited Slots, First Come First Serve, Book and Buy Reservation.

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